JUNIOR FOOTBALL  - U11 & U12 Grades (11-12 years)

​​​​​​​Born 2013, 2014

WHO: A program developing core football skills for players turning 11-12 years including games in the Mainland Christchurch "banded" leagues. There will be Development and Community Teams.


The main focus is better connections with friends and having fun, while continuing to develop your football skills.  Both Community and Development Teams Programmes have the same content and structure.  These teams will be formed from 2023 Teams/friends.  Our Community Teams will be parent-led.  There will be no trials for Community Teams.


There will be up to two U11 Grade, and two U12 Grade Development Teams (12 players in each squad).   More information about our Development Teams is under U11/U12 Development Teams.   Coaches will be allocated by the Club. This is dependent on the number attending the Trials.

​​​​​​​2025 TRIALS

U11 Development Teams

Dates:  17th, 19th, and 25th & 27th February 2025 (TBC)

Time:  4.00pm-5.00pm

Venue:  Kendall Park (Grass Fields)


Players MUST Register their interest by 14th February 2025

U12 Development Teams

Dates:  17th, 19th, and 25th & 27th February 2025 (TBC)

Time:  4.00pm-5.00pm

Venue:  Kendall Park (Grass Fields)


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Players MUST register their interest by 14th February 2025.

The Development Team environment will provide a more challenging environment for those Junior players wanting to push themselves to the next level.  Teams will be competing in the top bands in the Mainland Competition. Players will be evenly spread across the two teams in each grade

Those players who register to the Development Teams, and don't make the teams, will continue to be tracked through the season and may be invited to attend Development Teams Training.

​​​​​​​Note: All registered players turning 11 or 12 will be placed in a Mainland Team (if they don't make the Development Teams - these teams will be based on the same team as 2023, and new players will be added to teams as needed).


Early Bird Fee: $250 (paid by 18th March 2025).

Standard Fee: $275 (paid after 18th March 2025).

WHERE: Home games are held at Kendall Park, Island Road Kaiapoi. Away games are held in Christchurch.

WHEN: Saturday mornings. Times are dependent on grade.

Start Date: Saturday 26th April 2025

Finish Date: 6th September 2025

No Football on Kings Birthday Weekend, or the middle weekend of July school holidays.​​​​​​​

Prizegiving Date:  13th September 2025 (TBC)


Christchurch International Cup - July School Holidays (Selected Mixed Teams) TBC

South Island or Regional Tournaments - October School Holidays (Mixed and Girls Only Teams) TBC

UNIFORM (Community Teams): Players provide their shirts, shorts, socks (all black), shinpads, and boots. Full Adidas Uniform in 2025.

UNIFORM (Development Teams): - Players will need to purchase their uniform - shorts, shirts & socks (TBC).  Adidas Uniform will need to be purchased in 2025.  Shin pads are COMPULSORY. Boots (no metal studs) are recommended as players may train and play on both turf and grass.

CANCELLATIONS: Grounds and game cancellations will be on the Club website and Facebook page as well as Mainland Football website.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​REGISTRATION FOR THE WINTER FOOTBALL SEASON: All returning players please check for an email communication with a magic link to register. All new players click on the link below.

​​​​​​​Our Mainland Registrations close on the 18th March (Early Bird), so we can allocate teams, and get them entered into the Mainland Leagues for 2025.  Those who register after this, will be placed into a team where there is a space.  They will pay the full fees rate.

All players must be registered by the 20th April 2025, to play at the start of the season – which is the 26th April 2025.  Those registering after the 20th April 2025 will go on a Waitlist.




Mainland winter registrations close on 18th March 2025, along with early bird registrations. Standard fees will apply after this date.

Registrations will close while teams are assigned to our Mainland Football Teams. They will reopen once the allocation process is complete. Any late registrations will be added to a waitlist and assigned to teams if there is available space.

It is important if you want to play Mainland Football in 2025, that you register by the 18th March 2025, to be guaranteed a place in a team.

ALL Winter Registrations will close on the 20th April 2025. Any registrations coming in after this date, will go on a waitlist and will not be guaranteed a place in a team.